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Saturday, 21 April 2012

Dirty Forums

Hello everyone, I'm famous! Did you enter the Easter Beasts Competition? I hope you did well if you did! I didn't enter because I am rubbish with buying correct outfits and I have no time to spend my Star Coins on backgrounds.

I have seen that people like these 'Dirty' forums. Just to let you know I am not interested and I don't see the point. I really can't be bothered to make or read Forums anyway so that's that. I am not 'Against' 'Dirty' forums I just think that there is not any point writing them if they are dirty.

People put 'If gets dirty please don't report'. Well I DON'T report forums. I sometimes write small comments but I am a very busy MovieStar.

1 comment:

  1. Once I thought about things like: why such information is for free here? Because when you write a book then at least on selling a book you get a percentage. Thank you and good luck on informing people more about it!
    sales and marketing forum
